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Professional Development - Ellen Dougherty

Page history last edited by Ellen Dougherty 10 years, 5 months ago



  1. The Three Tech Ninjas: Todd Nesloney and his PLN

    1.  http://www.the3techninjas.org/

    2. Twitter handles:

      1. todd.nesloney@gmail.com

      2. techbradwaid@gmail.com

      3. dminock@gmail.com 

  2. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith's webpage: books, journal articles, and presentations  

    1.  http://webpages.csus.edu/~hansonsm/

  3. Jim Warford: International Center for Leadership in Education

    1. http://www.leadered.com/aboutwarford.html

    2.  http://jimwarford.com




  1. TESL-EJ  - Monthly electronic journal focussed on English language teaching throughout the world 

  2.  Internet TESL Journal - Online resource with articles on teaching strategies, techniques and ideas for EFL & ESL educators 

  3.  CALL-EJ Online -  International referred journal devoted to research on computer assisted language learning

  4.  Language Learning and Technology  - Refereed journal for second and foreign language scholars 

  5. ReCALL Journal  - Refereed journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL

  6. CALICO JOURNAL  - Journal devoted to research and discussion on technology and language learning


Blogs & Wikis:


  1. Learning2gether

    1. Up-to-date source of information and developments on technology and language learning. This is a portal where educators can learn from each other, animated by Vance Stevens.

    2. Sessions held every Sunday at 13:00 GMT.

    3. Archive of previous sessions

      1. http://learning2gether.pbworks.com/w/page/32204849/FrontPage

  2.  Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything

    1. An educational technologist's webpage containing a wealth of information on just about everything. 



Professional Organizations:


  1. TESOL - Computer Assisted Language Learning Interest Section (CALL-IS)

    1. This TESOL Interest Section offers members a community of practice in IT and language learning. Good resources under the 'Resources Tab' located on the top bar.

  2. IATEFL: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language 

      1. An international community of ELT teachers  

  3. CALICO: Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium 

    1. A group devoted to research and development of technology in second language learning.

  4. EUROCALL: European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning 

    1. A group which provides a European focus promoting research, development, and practice with the use of technologies and language learning. 


Social Media:


  1. Guide to creating a Personal Learning Community through ICT, Web 2.0 tools, and social media

    1. http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/11/teacher-tutorial-on-creating-personal.html?m=1



Google Hangouts: recorded videos of meetings held on Google Hangouts


  1. White paper on use of Tablets in education

    1. https://plus.google.com/events/ccono7k1cg6t56al3iaf57kbgvc

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