
Google Tools - Karen Kuhel (redirected from Karen - Google Tools)

Page history last edited by kkuhel@kennesaw.edu 10 years, 10 months ago

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 The Google-verse of Educational Tools


The Google universe can be frustrating and confusing place to navigate.  New tools pop up daily; tools that were free one day are not the next, some tools stand alone, while others interact with non-Google tools.   The objective of this site is to present an overview of Google tools.  Links are provided to websites and symbaloos where you can learn more about the tools of the Google-verse and how to use them. 


After exploring the resources on this site, please take the survey so that I can tailor the March 25 workshop to meet your needs and interests --  SURVEY LINK


Kathy Schrock has created a listing of Google tools and how they support Bloom's Taxonomy (image below).  Her "Guide to Everything" website includes a wealth of information on everything digital for teachers -- http://www.schrockguide.net/ 


Reminder -- Be a critical consumer and work smarter, not harder.  It's important to catalog tools and apps you frequently use for easy access, but rely on the internet community.  There are colleagues around the world who have spent a great deal of time and effort to share their knowledge and resources. Take them up on the offer!! 

Example:  I have my own symbaloo of frequently used tools and apps, but other people have created websites and symbaloos that feature a variety of Google Tools and how to use them.


If you don't have time to browse, this is the most important link -- Integrating Google Tools 4 Teachers. This website by Collette Cassinelli provides a wonderful comprehensive overview of the tools and apps in the Google-verse.  You also need to look through it for the survey. LINK


If you want to do some more extensive exploration, I would recommend the following symbaloos







Other resources about Google Tools that I find useful:

Jenn Lowton


Google Voice ESOL Resource 


Read and Write for Google

used to be free, but now now has a limited free version with a per student cost for premium services :(, but this is what happens once the beta phase is over.  Includes read aloud, dictionary link, vocabulary tools, annotation tools.


mural.ly -- a fabulous collaboration tool (for teens and adults) that has direct upload connections to Google Drive and youtube and has a phone app to easily upload photos and stickies. Free and cost options.


Once again, please take the survey so that I can tailor our March 25 workshop time to your interests -- LINK


See you in Portland.



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