
Integrating CALL with Web 2 0 and Social Media

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 1 year, 1 month ago







This wiki contains information about our Pre-Conference Institute (PCI), Integrating CALL with Web 2.0 and Social Media, which will be held at the TESOL Convention in Portland, Oregon. We hope you use this wiki to 'flip' our workshop!! The pages contain information and links on each of the workshop topics. Please take the time to peruse the pages to make your workshop experience more profitable and enjoyable.  


I've added this as I would like to make sure the information contained in this site is not deleted. I'll be adding more here once and awhile to ensure it continues to exist. Hope you are all well. The format of this workshop was well conceived and so am intent on keeping it active.


Make sure you join our Google+ Community. This wiki contains information about our PCI and is another great way to 'flip' the conference. It will provide us with the chance to get to know each other prior to the Pre-Conference Institute (PCI). If you have not joined our Google Community, click here: http://gplus.to/IntegratingCALLwithWeb20


Below you will find information and details of how the PCI will be run. We look forward to meeting all you 'face-to-face' in Portland!!

À bientôt, Hasta luego, Até breve, bis bald, До скорой встречи, نراكم قريبا, Lihat anda segera, また近いうちに, ...



Pre-Conference Institute: Integrating CALL with Web 2.0 Tools and Social Media

Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Venue: The Electronic Village



Workshop Schedule


1:00-1:15 Welcome, Introductions, Directions on How the Workshop Will Function


1:15-2:45 First Round of Breakout Sessions 

  • These sessions will be a little like "Speed Dating".
  • In groups, you will rotate through six sessions on a variety of topics on how to use Web 2.0 Tools and Social Media with your students.
  • Each session is 30 minutes long.
  • To view a list of the sessions,click on Sessions


First Session 1:15-2:45

Second Session 1:45-2:15

Third Session 2:15-2:45


2:45-3:15 Break Time 

  • Time to collaborate, set up plans, individual / group objectives, implementation strategies, use the WC
    • During this 30 minute session you will have time to collaborate with your colleagues, digest the information you have gleaned from the first 3 sessions, and set up goals, plans, or strategies on how you would like to implement some of the Web 2.0 and social media tools that have been discussed at your site.


3:15-4:45 Second Round of Breakout Sessions

In groups, you will continue to rotate through the sessions. Each session is 30 minutes long.


4th Session - 3:15 - 3:45

5th Session - 3:45 - 4:15

6th Session - 4:15 - 4:45



4:45-5:00 Closing

  • Wrap-up

  • Time to collaborate, plan, and talk about how you will assess the implementation of  Web 2.0 tools and Social Media at your site.




1. Communities of Practice / PLNs: Christel Broady

2. iPads / Apps: Stacey Abbott and Maggie Philips

3. Google Tools: Karen Kuhel

4. Web 2.0 Tools / Resources: Margaret McKenzie

5. MOOC, Flipping the Classroom: Vance Stevens

6. Facebook: Nery Alvarado


 Ellen Dougherty: Intro, Implementation Tools, Wrap-up


Introduction to Web 2.0 and Social Media


Check out  these two videos on Web 2.0 and Social Media. They could be a great way to introduce your students to these digital tools. 






PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on January 24, 2022


This wiki has been edited on January 6, 2023 to keep the wiki active. PBWorks reclaims a wiki if it has not been edited in 12 months. Thank you, Vance ... even after you have passed you continue to touch people.

edited Dec. 27 2023













Comments (1)

Ellen Dougherty said

at 5:52 pm on Feb 15, 2014

Please embed videos, instead of downloading. Less space is taken up. Thanks.

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