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Additional Resources - Web 2 0 Tools, Social Media, and Applications (redirected from Addtional Resources: Web 2 0 Tools, Social Media, and Applications)

Page history last edited by Ellen Dougherty 10 years, 5 months ago

Listed below are additional Web 2.0 tools, social media, and applications. A brief explanation is presented with each. Have fun exploring!! 



Web 2.0 Tools


  1. Word Cloud generators

    1. Word clouds are tools to create images from words or text you put in the word cloud generator. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

      1. www.wordle.net  

        1. The most commonly used word cloud generator and perhaps the easiest to begin with.

      2. www.tagxedo.com  

        1. Words and texts may be put into shapes, animals, people, etc.

      3. www.wordsift.com  

        1. Incorporates other functions such as visualization of word thesaurus relationships (like Visual Thesaurus), displays instances of sentences in which word is used in the text when you click on the word, provides definitions when you hover over word

      4. http://www.edudemic.com/9-word-cloud-generators-that-arent-wordle/

  2. Examples: (you see them everywhere ...)

    1.  World Future Conference, 2014 

      1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEreeYditZU&feature=youtu.be

  3. Website of several other word cloud generators 

  4. Haiku Deck 

    1. A simple presentation tool available on the web or for iPads

      1. http://www.haikudeck.com/

      2. http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2013/11/tutorial-how-to-use-new-haiku-deck-web.html#.UwSq9F6E43U

  5. Commoncraft videos

    1. A website / library with simple, educational videos on how to use a variety of digital tools 

      1. http://www.commoncraft.com

  6.  Skype

    1. Free or low cost video or voice calls, as well as instant messaging, worldwide

      1.  http://www.skype.com/en/

    2. Skype Education

      1.  https://education.skype.com

      2.  http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/06/complete-guide-to-use-of-skype-in.html

      3.  http://www.teachhub.com/using-skype-classroom

  7. YouTube  

    1.  Need we say more ... 

      1. http://www.youtube.com

    2. Educational Channel

      1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yA8nDwraeOfnYfBWun83

  8. TED Technology, Education, and Design "Ideas Worth Spreading"

    1. Videos / talks on a variety of topics

      1.  http://new.ted.com 

      2.  TED Educational Videos

        1.  http://www.ted.com/pages/initiatives_ted-ed

  9. Digital Story Telling

    1. Web 2.0 tools where students can write and share their work with others 

      1.  http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2014/03/handy-chart-featuring-11-good-digital.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+educatorstechnology%2FpDkK+%28Educational+Technology+and+Mobile+Learning%29




Blogs and Wikis


  1. Larry Ferlazzo's Blog - Educational Technology Specialist - wealth of information on English language teaching 

    1. http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/larry-ferlazzos-english-website/

  2. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith's blog - myriad information on tools and how to use them in the ELT classroom

    1.  http://ehansonsmith.blogspot.ae/

  3. Top 100 Tech Tools for 2013

    1.  http://c4lpt.co.uk/top100tools/


Social Media


  1. Twitter   

    1. Social networking and microblogging service, which utilizes instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.

      1. www.twitter.com

  2. Instagram

    1. Social networking site where users share texts, photos, and more 

      1. http://instagram.com/

    2. Website with how to use Instagram with students  

      1. http://teacherrebootcamp.com/2014/02/17/instagram/#null

  3. Mock Facebook pages

        1. http://web20edu.com/2011/04/16/fake-facebook-templates-and-pages-for-student-projects/






  1. The Padagogy Wheel V3.0  

    1. A colourful image/ circular design that incorporates Bloom's Taxonomy, applications, activities, and action words


  2. Educational iPad Apps for Teachers - Educational Learning and Mobile Learning

    1. Annotated collection of apps grouped by category 

    2.  http://www.educatorstechnology.com/p/blog-page_9.html






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